The Music Legends Interview

live at the nail 2Americana singer-songwriter, JIGGLEY JONES recently did an interview with Jason Saulnier for his website, Music Legends:

JASON SAULNIER: Without Social Media could bands and musicians today manage to survive?
JIGGLEY JONES: On a local level it’s possible, depending on how many friends you have. I think if you’re really innovative you might be able to pull it off, but eventually if you move to the next level social media would have to be involved to be competitive.
JS: What were your earliest influences in life?
JJ: In my youth I grew up in a household where Classic Rock was the order of the day. Neil Young and The Eagles, etc… Overall though my influences stemmed from my country environment, with the farmland and the local church down the street.

Read the entire interview HERE. Find out some of the surprising artists in Jiggley’s music collection and more!

Jason Saulnier is an Independent Radio Show Host and Interviewer for over 15 years on FM radio in Canada & online, “Good Time Metal Oldies” & “Jason Saulnier Interviews Legends” shows. He interviews on average over 100 music industry people & bands each year, with each person interviewed having some notability. His YouTube channel at has over one million views in total. 1,124,397 views.

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